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Armstrong will be the driving force for urgent climate action, with a goal of

Carbon Neutral from our manufacturing process.


Armstrong believes in achieving profitable growth by being

socially and environmentally responsible.


Armstrong is proud to be one of the Textile Industries to become the world’s leading producer of Sustainable Textiles benefiting people and planet!


Armstrong's sustainable policy is to make business in an ethical way
which protects the Eco System for the future!

Sustainable Products

Reduce Co2 


Adopt Technology

Recycle & Reuse

Care for Employees


Enhancing Livelihoods

Free Training Programs

We also provides free of cost training program for people who wants to work

in the garment factories. With expert’s knowledge, Armstrong teaches about fabric, garments and industry culture

to develop the skills and knowledge

of the trainees.


This Training program benefits Armstrong group and many other garments

manufacturers in the region by creating quality workforce.


Employee Benefits

Armstrong takes care of its

employees who are considered as the main pillars, by providing various

benefits like good environment to

work which is at International standards on safety, hygiene, etc., satisfying pay scale, free transport, healthcare, crèche facility for young mothers and much more.

Our Sustainability Policy

Armstrong’s sustainable policy follows Environmentally Conscious Design in all our Manufacturing process.


Armstrong achieves this by using the

latest technology machineries and infrastructure and committing ourselves  

to International standards, where natural resources like air, water and soil is protected for the future and measured

periodically by Higg Index.


Green Energy

There is also a massive investment made in the renewable energy sources by Armstrong for the green energy by means of wind and solar power.


Here we generate over 18.5 mega watts from windmills and 20.234 Mega Watts by means of solar energy per year, which serves our power requirements 100%.


Through the green energy, we also reduce 46 Million Kilograms of C02 Per Year and further expanding.


We take care of our farmers by supporting them with Fairtrade premium paid, which is around 20,00,000 US Dollars (120 Million INR) over a decade to improve their living standards with various programs.


Recycle Reuse

Plastic is an alarming threat to the earth! For the past 10 years, we consumed

862 Metric Tons of Post Consumer recycle PET Polyester and produced blended and 100% PET Polyester products through which we saved 61 million bottles from landfill and continuing.

Our Sustainability Certificates

SA8000 Colour
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